30 fotos que mostram a beleza e a força da maternidade

Uma caminhada que exige esforços, mas envolve o maior amor de todos. Fizemos uma seleção de imagens que retratam exatamente isso. Vem ver!

Por Luísa Massa
Atualizado em 11 Maio 2018, 19h03 - Publicado em 5 Maio 2018, 10h30

Tente pensar rapidamente: o que mudou na sua vida depois que o seus filhos nasceram? Com certeza, você abriu mão de muitas coisas, mas também ganhou outras nessa troca. A maternidade é uma jornada recompensadora, apesar de ser cheia de desafios. E para celebrar a beleza e a força que toda mãe tem, reunimos fotos cheias de emoção que traduzem, ao seu modo, a intensidade dessa caminhada. Veja os cliques a seguir e se emocione:


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We met 5 weeks ago and my life has been forever changed 💗

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“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” – Rajneesh 🤱 Although I don’t think I’d choose to relive the labor of my first-born, I would love to relive the first time I held him in my arms. That moment of “Holy Sh**! I created a human!” Don’t get me wrong – the 2nd and 3rd time were amazing too. But nothing beats the euphoria of doing something for the first time. Am I right? 👶 He’s 7 today. We have a fun day planned (You can follow in my stories.) Each year I also try to write a blog about my favorite things – since he’s 7, I chose my 7 favorite things I ❤️ about Landon. It’s fun to do and has become my own way of catching up with my lack of journaling everything about him from the year. You can click the link in my bio to read. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 I’m also having a huge Flash Sale on Expecting MORE®, the pregnancy workout program I created while he was in my belly. $19.99 today only (usually $39.95). You can buy the DVD or full digital download. Just head to SaraHaley.com/shop or the link is also in my bio. I recommend sharing with your fellow moms-to-be. If you’ve done that program, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. . . . . #landonbro #saraspostjourney #firstborn #newborn #newbornbaby #7yearsold #pregnancyworkouts #flashsale #babyboy #boymom #sentimentalmom #momofboys #sweetbaby #newmom #veteranmom #fitpregnancy #motherhood #newbornphotography #newborns #momquotes #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodquotes

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Deixe a vida te despentear! #6meses #fotosannagrecco

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// Que a felicidade sempre escape por sorrisos 🍃

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